About Me


My name is Carré Albers (Pronounced Carrie, for English natives), and I'm 18 years old, currently residing in Amsterdam.

I was named after an 80'ties model called Carré Otis. My mom thought she was very beautiful. My dad not so much.
And I was born.

After I finished highschool when I was 17, I decided to take a gapyear to figure out what exactly I wanted to do with my life. I went to London for five weeks to perfect my English, and to find out a little bit more about myself. I figured out, I wanted to travel more.
And so my wanderlust was born.

After I got back from London, I took an international makeup course called House Of Orange, and improved my makeup skills for Fashion shoots and red carpets. I now share my knowledge on YOUTUBE. I figured out that makeup and fashion is a big passion of mine, which I like to write about.

I'm currently working in a clothing store, to save up for future trips. I'm excited to see what else life has in store for me.

And I'm going to share it all, with you.
